Sunday 29 June 2014

Spawn our cute Brachypelma Vagans ( Mexican red rump)

Spawn is the tarantula my husband picked out for himself, and he could not have made a better choice. She is so adorable with the cutest butt in all the tarantula world.

This spider was first described by Ausserer in 1875 and is a native of Mexico, and is frequently found in Belize, El Salvador and Guatemala, where is can be found in deep burrows.These spiders are obligate burrows and will dig deep burrows when kept in the right conditions.The Red Rump
is an opportunistic tarantula that will both take refuge under stones and tunnel its own burrow retreat in to the earth.
This is a very handsome spider of the New World Brachypelma family of tarantulas, with very distinctive jet black legs and abdomen. The abdomen is liberally sprinkled with fine red hairs (leading to one of its common names of Red-Rump). The carapace is edged with cream and has thin radiating lines of cream colouring.

 Most tarantulas should be considered a display only animal, but some can be gently handled and the Mexican Red rump is known for a fairly docile species, but can also be somewhat skittich and occasionally aggressive. Handling should be kept to a minimum as tarantulas in general are not the sort of pet that needs or enjoys human interaction.

 Type: Terrestrial: Scrubland species
Aggressiveness: Can be aggressive. Can be fast.

Venom Effect: Not yet known, expected to be low toxicity.

Geographic Range: Belize, El Salvador and Guatemala

Requirements: Temperature: 76 Fahrenheit

Humidity: 75%

Substrate: 3 inches deep

Shelter: Flowerpot or Cork Bark

Water: Open water dish

Longevity: Females, up to 15 years, Males maturing between 1 and 2 years of age.

They enjoy eating crickets, cockroaches, meal worms,  locust, butter worms. They will also spin a little feeding mat before they dig in. This spunky little red butt has made her way deep into our hearts.

Spore our Brachypelma Albopilosum (Curly hair)

Spore is our first 8 legged baby. She has been in our lives for 2 years and she is the sweetest little tarantula. With her sweet personality and her very fluffy body, she reminds me of a little teddy bear. 

This species was first described by Valerio in 1980.The Curly hair Tarantula is an ideal tarantula species for a beginner because of it's docile temperament and relatively large size. This spider is a native of Costa Rica and Honduras where it can be found in the rainforests in deep burrows in banks or at the foot of many trees. It is renowned for its voracious appetite and if there was a tarantula that could explode from being overfed, then this is it! The curlyhair gets its name, as you might expect, from the exceptionally long and curly hairs covering its plump body and legs, giving a very distinctive look to offset its rather drab colouration.The legs are a darker brown, in contrast to the practically bronze carapace.This comes out to be one fine-looking spider without being exceedingly colorful.They do have urticating hairs, but they are not quick to flick them. Most keepers report that their specimens are among the most tractable of all tarantulas, almost never acting skittish or defensive, making them an ideal beginner species.They are very hardy tarantulas that make lasting pets.They also make great "show" spiders since they can be taken out and handled, although handling should not take place frequently because there's always the possibility of the tarantula falling off your hand and splitting it's abdomen open (likely fatal).
A diet of crickets, cockroaches and locusts is ideal. As with all tarantulas, feed prey items of a suitable size – no larger than the spider’s abdomen.

Type: Terrestrial: Rainforest species, keen burrower.

Aggressiveness:  Not skittish or shy, non aggressive.

Venom Effect: Not yet known, expected to be low toxicity. ( Equal to a bee sting)

Temperature: 75-76 Fahrenheit
Humidity: 80%
Substrate: at least 3 inches deep
Shelter: Flowerpot or Cork Bark
Water: Open water dish.
Food: All standard invertebrates

I would absolutely recommend A curly hair as a first addition to your collection. They are just awesome tarantulas with a cool just-out-of-the-dryer look. 

How we got hooked.

My husband and I were on our annual vacation at a resort wen we came across a small almost abandoned pet shop. There was a chalkboard sign outside stating that they sold tarantulas. My curiosity was sparked and we went inside to have a look. There were so many tarantulas, all different sizes and colors, they were just beautiful! I asked the owner if I can hold one and he took out a vibrant black and red Brachypelma Emilia ( Mexican redleg). What an amazing experience it was as the little critter walked slowly up and down my hand. I was in love instantly. I decided then and there that I am getting a Brachypelma Albopilosum ( Curly hair). My husband had a phobia for spiders and was not comfortable with the idea of getting something we know nothing about. As soon as we got back to the chalet he jumped on the internet and started researching the species. He was fascinated and and wanted one of his own. Couple of days later we appeared all smiles in front of the  shop keeper again ready to buy our second tarantula. After a lot of research an contemplating my husband decided on a Brachypelma Vagans ( Mexican Red rump). We were hooked, the tarantula hobby has bitten us and and we are infected with love for these little 8 legged wonders. Our collection has grown to a cozy size of 9 unique tarantulas. In this blog I will introduce them all to the residence of cyber world.