Sunday 29 June 2014

How we got hooked.

My husband and I were on our annual vacation at a resort wen we came across a small almost abandoned pet shop. There was a chalkboard sign outside stating that they sold tarantulas. My curiosity was sparked and we went inside to have a look. There were so many tarantulas, all different sizes and colors, they were just beautiful! I asked the owner if I can hold one and he took out a vibrant black and red Brachypelma Emilia ( Mexican redleg). What an amazing experience it was as the little critter walked slowly up and down my hand. I was in love instantly. I decided then and there that I am getting a Brachypelma Albopilosum ( Curly hair). My husband had a phobia for spiders and was not comfortable with the idea of getting something we know nothing about. As soon as we got back to the chalet he jumped on the internet and started researching the species. He was fascinated and and wanted one of his own. Couple of days later we appeared all smiles in front of the  shop keeper again ready to buy our second tarantula. After a lot of research an contemplating my husband decided on a Brachypelma Vagans ( Mexican Red rump). We were hooked, the tarantula hobby has bitten us and and we are infected with love for these little 8 legged wonders. Our collection has grown to a cozy size of 9 unique tarantulas. In this blog I will introduce them all to the residence of cyber world.

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